Friday, May 8, 2009

Aloha Friday

This weeks Aloha Friday is a Mother's Day edition.

What is the best gift you’ve gotten or given for mother’s day?

Visit An Island Life for a list of other blogs also participating.


  1. Last Mother's Day I gave my wife 3 mothers rings that you put together (1 for each of our children) and they were pricey. LOL. My wife LOVES them and always wears them.

  2. I've gotten so many over the years. One really enjoy the garden fountain I received last year. It makes me feel Sarene.

  3. The flat screen monitor for my PC....looking at it now! *L*

  4. My little guy was born the day after Mother's Day two years ago...a very nice present.

  5. I loved the year that my husband took me and the kids to the garden center and I was able to get the big yard pots I had my eye on and all the flowers and soil to fill them, and then putting it all together as a family when we got home!

  6. I once had a cat that brought home a little yellow bird that he had hunted down for me. It was the only gift that I got that year :)

  7. It is over on my blog! It was and a poem and a hand print of my kids.

  8. I made my mom a needle point thing to hang on the wall as a kid...and she still has it. I don't think it's that great but she obviously does!

  9. I gave my mom a photbook--she loved it!

  10. I've only had one mother's day so far and I got a coldstone cake, flowers, and balloons! So that's my favorite so far! We always hand out hanging baskets to the moms/grandmoms.

  11. This is my first mothers I am just wondering what my hubby is going to plan for me! I know next weekend we are going out of town, so I can run a 5k, and that is part of it...but hopefully he does a little something this weekend! LOL

  12. My daughter was three months old for my first Mother's Day, and my husband took her to the mall and had her first professional pictures taken. He also had a picture of himself taken holding her, which is a HUGE deal because he HATES having his picture taken. That photo is one of my prized possessions.

  13. Pedicures! Last year I did that for my mom and myself. I think I should do it again this year!!

    And you're right about the Frigidaire contest. It should be open in Canada, too!


  14. The worst was the year my parents, sister & I went for brunch when I was around 17. We got into a HUGE embarrassing argument at a fancy schmancy restaurant full of nice happy brunching families honouring their mothers. My mom was the first to leave, on foot, and we didn't see her again for HOURS!

    As a mom I've had only one mother's day. Brad didn't know he was supposed to do something because when he was growing up, his martyr mom made mother's day into a day to do things (even MORE things) for her family.

    So what I'm saying is, there are big hopes for me being able to answer this question properly in a couple of days. It certainly can't get WORSE, right?!?!?


Let me know what you think.